Uterine fibroids are the most common non-cancerous tumors in women of childbearing age. Fibroids are made up of muscle cells and other tissues that grow in and around the wall of the uterus.
They can be as small as a pea or larger than a grapefruit. You can have multiple fibroids or just one. Uterine fibroids can grow slowly over many years or develop quickly.
The cause of fibroids is unknown. Risk factors include being African-American.
“By age 35, an estimated 40 % to 60 % have fibroids. By the age of 50, 80 % of women have them”
(Info source www.webmd.com). But it isn’t always easy to detect them during pregnancy.
That’s because doctors find it difficult to find fibroids due to the thickening of the uterus muscles that happens during pregnancy. For this reason, doctors assume that the number of cases known is lower than the actual number.
Most women who have been diagnosed with fibroids appear to have regular pregnancies, although they can cause problems often.
Looking to find the Best Treatment for Uterine Fibroids in Miami, Pompano, and South Florida, we can help. Broward County: (954) 884-8150 Dade County: (305) 907-6191.
Fibroids and Fertility
According to reproductivefacts.org “Approximately 5% – 10% of infertile women have fibroids.”
Depending on the type of fibroids, location and size, they can affect fertility.
–Submucosal fibroids, which are those that grow in the uterine cavity, are the ones that may present some risk to fertility and pregnancy.
-Subserosal fibroids do not affect fertility at all since they grow outside the uterus.
-Intramural fibroids grow within the uterine muscular wall, they are the most common, are not usually directly related to problems conceiving.
The first thing that is important to determine is what type of fibroid you have in order to know if your fertility (or the possibility of getting pregnant) is compromised.
Most women with fibroids will not be infertile a period
Consult with a doctor about the volume of every other fibroid you have and their location. Ask whether your intentions to get pregnant or the capacity to bear a pregnancy will trigger.
Then again, ask your doctor if fibroid treatments will help improve your chances of success in pregnancy.
Fibroids and Pregnancy
Fibroids can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery. Estrogen levels increase during pregnancy, which may influence fibroid growth. Still, for other women, fibroids can shrink during pregnancy
The main problems that can occur are:
- Premature delivery
Fibroid pain can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to premature labor.
- Miscarriage
When there are multiple fibroids and they are large, there are more chances to have a spontaneous abortion; in the early stages of pregnancy,
- Detachment of the placenta
The placenta is detached from the uterine wall because it is blocked by a fibroid. This can cause the baby not to get enough oxygen, and heavy bleeding.
- Fetal growth restriction
When fibroids are large, they leave little room for the proper growth of the fetus.
- Cesarean birth
If fibroids are located lower in the uterus, unlike in other locations, the chance of a C-section increases dramatically.
Can Fibroids be treated during Pregnancy?
Through gestation, because of the risk to the fetus, intervention for uterine fibroids seems to be restrictive. To help expectant mothers handle the effects of fibroids, bed rest, hydration, and some medications may be administered.
In extreme situations, it is possible to perform a myomectomy in women during the second trimester of pregnancy. This operation extracts fibroids while leaving the uterus intact from the outside of the uterus or from inside the uterine wall. Given the potential risks to the baby, fibroids developing in the uterine cavity are usually left intact.
Although a number of successful fibroid therapies are available, they are normally reserved before pregnancy or after pregnancy.
What Kind of Fibroids Treatment Are Available?
Your Obstetrician/Gynecologist will help you select the right treatment for fibroids. Based on your needs and symptomatology, there are several alternatives that differ from completely non-invasive to uterine removal.
Is a safe and effective non-surgical procedure to treat fibroid tumors. The procedure is performed under conscious sedation through an IV in the patient’s arm. Studies have shown that nearly 90% of women who have a UFE procedure experience significant or complete resolution of their fibroid-related symptoms (Radiological Society of North America, Inc., RSNA)
- Myomectomy
A surgical process in which fibroids are removed and reconstruction of the uterus takes place. Myomectomy is also the preferred procedure established for surgical treatment of fibroids in women who plan to become pregnant in the future.
- Hysterectomy
This is the choice, If there is no desire for a future pregnancy and the fibroids are impacting daily life, removing the uterus is an effective treatment.
Before choosing a procedure, consult a physician about the nature of your symptoms and whether you may want to become pregnant.
Although you can’t avoid fibroids, the risk may be minimized by a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, a balanced lifestyle will lower the risk of fertility complications and high-risk pregnancies, including maintaining a healthy weight.
For more information on Uterine Fibroid Embolization or to schedule an appointment call: (305) 907-6191
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